As President Donald J. Trump continues to castigate a fallen war hero 7 months after his death, it seemed particularly timely to post the photos of the Presidential Twitter Library that Trevor Noah’s “The Daily Show” people put up at SXSW on the mezzanine of the Driskill Hotel in downtown Austin.
There are counts of how many times DJT mentions President Obama; how many times he mentions various Fox News People (Greta Van Susteren won that one); how many times he mentions each of his children. (Tiffany snagged only 5 mentions, total).
There is the gold-plated toilet room—where you could have had your picture taken on the gold-plated throne.
And there were tweets—lots and lots of tweets.
Government by tweet. Insult by tweet. Et
, etc., etc.

Trevor Noah introducing visitors to the Trump Twitter Library on the mezzanine level of the Driskill Hotel during SXSW. (Photo by Connie Wilson).
The post Trump Twitter Museum Is Launched at SXSW appeared first on Weekly Wilson – Blog of Author Connie C. Wilson.
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