I spent part of today watching a screener of a documentary entitled “Woodsride” by Sadie Ford.
I can’t review this documentary until March 13th, but I can share with you the quote that is super-imposed at the beginning of the film:
“Brother, told me about a physical law that teases me: the Doppler effect.
The sound of anything coming at you—a train, say, or the future–has a higher pitch than the sound of the same thing going away.
Like all falling bodies, it constantly accelerates.
But I would like to, some day as I’m growing old, hear it as I’m hearing it now, as if coming at me, instead of hearing it as I would from memory alone, my life going away from me. A somber sound of defeats accepted, griefs borne and hopes deferred.
I will look back at pages of my youth and find the light I found then now dim in memory.”
(Sadie Ford, March 3, 2014, Director of “Woodsride”)
The post “Woodsride” Documentary Quote for the Day: Words to Live By appeared first on Weekly Wilson – Blog of Author Connie C. Wilson.
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